Congratulations, you’ve just adopted a new puppy! If this is your first time owning a puppy, there are some things you should know and implement in your puppy’s life in the first few months.
Start with Socialization
It is important to socialize your dog early. Get your puppy out to meet people and other dogs while they are young. This way they will learn boundaries and social skills before they are too set in their ways. A dog that learns to know others can be better adjusted as an adult because it will not associate others as dangerous.
Practice Alone Time
Make sure your dog does not become co-dependent on you. Start will small amounts of alone time so your dog learns its okay to be by itself. Do not wait to leave your puppy alone for the first time when you have to go to work for a full day
Prioritize Potty Training
As early as you can, get your dog used to the idea of going to the bathroom outside. Be sure to keep a close eye on your dog and take it out as soon as you see the signs that it may soon use the restroom. For example, the signs could include sniffing around, going off alone, or circling a particular area of the room.
Introduce the Leash
You may think your puppy can be held and carried around like a baby forever. That is not the case! Even if your dog will be small when full grown, you want to introduce the leash early. As a puppy your dog will come to understand what a leash is and what it means. It is much harder to introduce a leash when your dog already has solidified in its mind that it is a free range pup.
Learn the Basics
Teach your puppy the basic commands. Sit, down, stay, drop it are all good commands to being with. Sit is the most important because it can get your dog to focus on you and calm down. Don’t worry about more advanced tricks like “paw” or “spin around” until it learns the basics.